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您现在的位置: 陕西高职分类考试网 >  真题资料 > 英语  > 2024年陕西高职分类考试英语备考练习题






  1.---Why did Angela take part in the contest?

  ---Because one of (      ) was faint.

  A the contestants

  B the contestant

  C the contest

  D the contests

  2.---When will you leave for Hong Kong?

  ---I (      ) here until the boss comes back.

  A won’t wait

  B won’t leave

  C will leave

  D won’t stay

  3.—Jim has done a good job.

  —(      )

  A So does he and so you do.

  B So has he and so you have.

  C So has he and so have you.

  D So he has and so have you.

  4.---(      )plastic bags we use,()it will be to the environment.

  ---Yes, I agree(      )you.

  A The fewer; the worse,to

  B The less; the better,with

  C The fewer; the better,with

  D The less; the worse,to

  5.York, (      ) last year, is a nice old city.

  A that I visited

  B which I visited

  C where I visited

  D in which I visited

  6.His coat is more expensive than (      ).

  A her

  B hers

  C its

  D it

  7.That is (       )map of (      )world.

  A a;a

  B the;the

  C a;the

  D the;a

  8.Everyone in our class is busy (      ) the classroom after class.

  A clean

  B cleaned

  C to clean

  D cleaning

  9.The trousers on the chair (      ) Mr. Brown's.

  A is

  B are

  C was

  D were

  10.Please tell her (      ) at home on Saturday.

  A stay

  B to stay

  C stays

  D staying

  11.There were so many people in the bus that we couldn't____for the old man.

  A find rooms

  B make room

  C find a room

  D make a room

  12.____a study, people who often stay up too late are more likely to die of heart.

  A With the help of

  B Because of

  C According to

  D As a result

  13.—Excuse me. Do you have the time?


  A Yes, I have

  B Of course, I have

  C It's ten to five

  D Sorry, I don’t

  14.The authorities will________the case further before they can come to a conclusion about it.

  A look out

  B look up

  C look through

  D look into

  15.— I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike.

  — ________.

  A That's right.

  B Of course not.

  C You're welcome.

  D The same to you.

  16.Miss Li is ___ our teacher ___ our friend.

  A neither;or

  B either;or

  C not only;but also

  D either;nor

  17.Please don't touch that fish. It smells ________.

  A bad

  B badly

  C good

  D well

  18.Peter has to work hard because he has a big_______to support.

  A room

  B home

  C family

  D apartment

  19.A bridge was built _____ the river.

  A on

  B at

  C over

  D above

  20.It is almost five years____we saw each other last time.

  A since

  B before

  C after


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